Comments by students of IB Arthur School | Ghana Student Comment Post Date devoted_starfish I disagree with you resounrceful_leopard about AI helping in remedial classes for slow learners.... An interview with Raman Rai 25/1/24 approachable_wolverine I agree because indeed AI was created to help people but it is now become the dominant entity on... People v robots 25/1/24 openhearted_region I got 16/16 and I learned AI is here to stay and will be dangerous if not under control. Test your knowledge 25/1/24 centered_lynx I think there should be a Hub discussion post about How AI in robots could save the planet... Suggest a discussion 25/1/24 selfassured_quince I agree with opinion C. School is more than a place for learning and studying. Teachers in... Will schools exist in future? 25/1/24 openhearted_region I learned AI stands for Artificial Intelligence; it can think like a human and can mimic human... Test your knowledge 25/1/24 reliable_lobster Hello everyone, During our discussion on AI, I expressed my opinion that AI has the potential... Classroom spy! 25/1/24 approachable_television Thank you for the question, Steff. Based on how the world is depending on AI these days, I do... Will schools exist in future? 25/1/24 considerate_seagull I agree because... AI can do our jobs better because they don't get tired and can work 24/7.... Classroom spy! 25/1/24 centered_lynx AI will be able to do work in dangerous facilities better than humans because they are hard and... People v robots 25/1/24 protective_knowledge Well including AI in school improves the school's chance of getting to know the strengths and... AI and the future of education 25/1/24 centered_lynx Ai is a revolution for humantiy and it could definently open up jobs and possibly enhance them.... Jobs of the future 25/1/24 considerate_seagull Hello everyone! During our class talk we discussed how it would feel if an AI teacher replaced a... Classroom spy! 25/1/24 approachable_wolverine I am excited because this could change the economy especially in Ghana where I live it could... What's your reaction? 25/1/24 reliable_lobster Hi everyone! In our recent class discussion, we talked about the types of jobs that can be... Classroom spy! 25/1/24 selfassured_quince I scored 16. This quiz made me understand AI in many ways: I helped me realize that Ai is... Test your knowledge 25/1/24 openhearted_region I think that AI will do most of the jobs that require calculations such... Classroom spy! 25/1/24 selfassured_quince I agree with opinion C because it is true that machines cant help us with somethings that human... Will schools exist in future? 25/1/24 devoted_starfish I partially agree with you dilligent_world, the reason being is that it is true that AI can make... Suggest a discussion 25/1/24 curious_starfruit I think there should be a discussion on THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT. Firstly, the greenhouse effect is... Suggest a discussion 25/1/24 < 1 2 3 4 … 87 88 >