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Gender inequlity has various effects to people and on the society. Gender is determined by how we see ourselves and each other, and how we act and interact with others. There's a lot of diversity in how individuals and groups understand, experience, and express gender.

1). In schools:

Gender inequality in education lowers females' and also male's social development and economic productivity. The victims will feel less of themselves and hence reduce their rate of productivity.

2). In workplaces:

The Workers Mental Health Issues

If someone is experiencing gender discrimination at work, mental health issues often follow. An individual being discriminated against may develop higher anxiety levels, be more prone to outbursts and depression. She might turn to drugs or alcohol to cope, and that could adversely affect her ability to perform her job duties. Mental health issues are also a major concern for business owners who have unstable employees taking retaliatory actions in the workplace.

Increased Workplace Conflict

Discrimination is a form of harassment, and it has increased the conflict in the work environment. Team focus shifts from job duties to the drama and fights of the office. It can fracture a team, with one group siding with the person discriminated against, and one side for the alleged discriminator. Conflict like this is not good for the workplace, and it can affect the job performance of an entire department or team.And also where there is conflict there is no peace and where there is no peace development cannot occur.

Reduced Organizational Productivity

With increases in conflict and morale of workers(victims), office productivity will also diminish. As a business leader, you know that employees who are happy and comfortable at work are the best performers. When people are trying to avoid negative behavior, such as experiencing or witnessing gender discrimination, it can have a significant impact on the bottom line of the business itself. The workers will not feel comfortable to work in an environment where they are not appreciated or not treated with respect just because of their gender.

In society

It can limit peoples' access to healthcare, increase rates of ill health, and lower life expectancy . Unequal societies are less cohesive. They have higher rates of anti-social behaviour and violence. Countries with greater gender equality are more connected. Their people are healthier and have better wellbeing . Also, given a similar distribution of innate abilities between women and men, constraints on women's access to education and labour distort the economy by artificially reducing the field of talent from which employers can draw, thereby reducing the average productivity of the production factor in the society.