Protests in Iran: Mahsa Amini

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

My topic is Mahsa Amini. I chose this topic because I want to give my opinion on gender inequality. I believe people should speak up and speak out about what's happening in Iran. The Iranian government and Iranian police should be held accountable for their actions. Mahsa Amini deserves justice.

Mahsa Amini was beaten by the Iranian police and later died in the hospital. In my opinion, she didn't deserve to get beat to death for not wearing a proper hijab. In Iran, women don't have the same rights as men do. This is called gender inequality. Women in Iran suffer from discrimination and inequality. This is very unfair that they're forced to follow these strict rules.

Many people in Iran believed that it was unfair and Mahsa Amini deserved justice. They decided to speak up and start protesting. This caused awareness about Mahsa Amini and it spread across the globe. Many people in Iran believed that it was unfair and Mahsa Amini deserved justice. They decided to speak up and start protesting. This caused awareness about Mahsa Amini and it spread across the globe. A diversity of people from around the world found out about the protest and supported the protesters digitally. The protest consisted of 90,000 people. Unfortunately, 1,160 people were injured and 531 people passed away. Even though the protest was unsuccessful, people still fought for her justice.

In conclusion, I believe Mahsa Amini deserves justice. The Iranian government should do something about this and give Mahsa Amini and her family justice.