Content you can trust

Our resources are produced by trained, experienced teachers, with guidance and support from Economist journalists. You can trust our content to be accurate, expert-led and objective.

Pedagogy, Integrity, Objectivity, Economist editorial standards, Fact-checked

  • Pedagogy

    Lessons are created by trained teachers, with over ten years of experience working with students aged 10 to 16. Our team works hard to ensure our skills-based lessons are engaging, inclusive and accessible.

  • Integrity

    Expert journalists at The Economist guide our content selection so we publish the most important information, a fair representation of an issue and a variety of perspectives.

  • Objectivity

    We cut through the media’s biases. Unlike The Economist, we don’t take a stance on issues so that students can form their own opinions. To do this, we involve external consultants, journalists and topic experts.

  • Economist editorial standards

    Topical Talk lessons go through the same editorial process as the articles in the newspaper – they’re reviewed several times by a team of senior editors at The Economist.

  • Fact checked

    Our content is verified by Economist fact-checkers. Facts and photographs must be current, accurate and from a reliable source.