About Topical Talk Student Hub

A unique discussion platform where young people can deepen their understanding of the topics and connect with others across the globe.

About > About Topical Talk Student Hub

What is the Student Hub?

The Student Hub is a unique discussion platform where young people can deepen their understanding of the topics covered by our weekly resources.

They can publish their opinions to a global audience and join informed, moderated discussions with peers from across the world. Activities are designed by our in-house teachers, who join the discussion, along with experts and business volunteers, to provide feedback.

Student Hub About Mockup devices

I already use Topical Talk resources. Why get my students online?

The activities on the Student Hub support the current classroom resources, whether you're using weekly Headlines resources, or following a five week Project. But the Student Hub offers more.

Students are able to ..

  • Consolidate their knowledge through fun, bitesize videos and regular quizzes
  • Broaden their perspectives with a global community of learners
  • Show off their skills in weekly competitions
  • Quench their curiosity through access to world-renowned topic experts

Who is the Student Hub for?

The Student Hub is designed for students age 9+. There are activities for students of every age, so there’s always plenty to do!

The Student Hub is moderated by our team and all contributions are approved before being published. You can read more about how we keep students safe online here.

How much does the Student Hub cost?

State-funded/non-fee paying schools pay only £399 per class for an entire year or we can invoice your school £15 per child.

We ask fee-paying schools for £799 per class for the entire year (or £30 per child), to help subsidise state schools' participation

How do I sign up?

To get your Student Hub account, you need a free resources account first. Do the whole thing in three simple steps:

  • Register for your free resources here and tick the box that says “Yes, upgrade my account to include the Student Hub (paid)"
  • Follow the instructions on the next page to request your upgrade. Instructions are also sent via email!
  • Complete your payment and we'll activate your Student Hub account.

If you’ve already got a resources account, click here to upgrade to the Hub now.