Leadership for Change Prize

While the 2024 competition has closed, there's still time to deliver the Leadership for Change curriculum and inspire future change-makers.


IN PARTNERSHIP WITH ROLEX. The Economist Educational Foundation maintained full editorial control.

Two  black and white photos of enthusiastic students in front of a big pink circle that says "Leadership for Change"

Discover our six-lesson curriculum and competition in partnership with Rolex.

Leadership for Change equips 10- to 16-year olds with key critical-thinking, creative problem-solving and communication skills.

Hear how issues in the news are being tackled by a diverse group of inspiring leaders. Students will apply the skills they develop to address challenges in their own communities and create their own "Project for Change".

The Leadership for Change Prize offered students the chance to submit their "Projects for Change" as part of a global competition between September 20th and November 20th 2024. Prize-winners were awarded funding and will receive mentorship in 2025 to turn their projects into a reality.

Download sample lesson (Zip)
Gold medal inscribed with "Winner 2024 Leadership for Change Prize"

The Prize winners

We're thrilled to announce three winning "Projects for Change", selected by our panel of judges. The winning groups were awarded up to £1,000 funding and will receive three mentorship video calls to support their project delivery.

Meet the winners

About the curriculum

  • Newspaper clipping in shape of a speech bubble

    What does it take to be a leader?

    Explore what it means to lead change and champion entrepreneurial spirit.

  • Newspaper clipping in shape of a speech bubble

    How can leadership provide opportunities for women and girls?

    Discuss initiatives designed to combat gender inequality across the world.

  • Newspaper clipping in shape of a speech bubble

    How can leadership create better access to healthcare?

    Hear from a leader of change and discuss different perspectives on healthcare solutions.

  • Newspaper clipping in shape of a star

    How can we build – and lead – sustainable communities?

    Consider the food, transport and buildings we need for a sustainable future.

  • Newspaper clipping in shape of a crown

    How will you lead change?

    Discuss your local school and community context as students build their own project ideas.

  • Newspaper clipping in shape of a heart

    Prepare to pitch!

    Students will share their project ideas and vote for the project they think will have the biggest impact.

Leadership for Change live lesson

On November 13th we brought together over 4,000 children from 15 countries to take part in our online live lesson. Students engaged in lively activities, heard from inspiring leaders and joined global polls and discussions.

Watch the highlights

2024 timeline

September 20th: Lessons go live. November 13th: Live lesson. November 20th: Deadline for competition entries. December 9th: Prize winners announced.