#38 That's not right!

16 June 2022

Winning comments

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This competition will close on Wednesday 15th June for judging! We will announce two winners on Thursday 16th June. Good luck!

The competition


There are a lot of discussions happening on the Hub about why speaking and listening is so important for audio journalists - people who create news stories for others to listen to.

Speaking is important for audio journalists because they must share the most important facts clearly and explain them to people who might be hearing about an idea for the first time. Listening is important for audio journalists because they must research a range of perspectives on a news story so they can present it fairly.

Pip thinks that speaking and listening is more important for audio journalists than any other job.

Your job this week is to tell Pip why they are wrong by suggesting why speaking and listening is more important for a different job. You should share examples to support your points.

Top tips

  • You could structure your entry like this:
    "Pip is wrong because speaking and listening is more important if you are a... /insert job here/. Speaking is important for this job because... . Listening is important for this job because... .
  • Read the other entries first and try to choose a job that hasn't already been said
  • Make your entry personal to you - there are no wrong answers

Comments (19)

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  • Pip is wrong because speaking and listening is more important if you are a judge. Speaking is important for this job because a judge has control in the courtroom and, in many civil cases, will make many decisions in your case. Listening is important for this job because you need to hear the case, make decisions and needs evidence to see if the culprit is guilty or no and you need to be a good listener and speaker for this hard job as a judge.

    1. Great answer, crafty_peach. Can you think of any other ways in which jobs of an audio journalist and a judge are both similar and different?

  • Pip may be wrong because speaking and listening can also be very useful and important for other jobs, such as being a judge, a policeman, a paramedic, a doctor, a surgeon, a fire officer and much more. For being a judge, you have to listen carefully and speak correctly, being aware not to upset somebody about a case. <more later>

  • Pip is wrong because speaking and listening is more important if you are a teacher. Speaking is important for this job because you have to be confident when speaking in front of many children and adults. Listening is important for this job because teachers have to listen to the students.

  • Pip is wrong because many other jobs need speaking and listening too as news is just for education and letting the people know what's happening currently. But there are many jobs that need listening too; policemen; they give instructions and listen to what the situation is to save lives; doctors; they need to listen to the patient's symptoms and give them a treatment; construction worker; they need to listen to where they build and they need to use their voice to alert other builders; teachers; they need to listen to students and use their voice to teach. These are only a pocket of jobs and there are so much more that need listening and speaking more than an audio journalist.

  • I think pip is wrong because it is not just audio journalists who need thinking and speaking. We all use it in our day to day life and it essential for us all to use it or we will be stuck. No one can us it more than any one else because of their job and that is the way it should work. The fair way.

  • I believe that Pip is indeed wrong, since speaking and listening is more important for a person who works as a Lawyer, as they need to be able to listen to their clients points, and the oppositions points, whilst relaying their words at the same time. Additionally, they have to be on lookout for rebuttals, and listen extremely closely to be able to counter the arguments.

  • I believe that Pip is indeed wrong because a chief is in control of his police department. Speaking is really important for a chief because people in danger and the officers are scared don't know what to do.

  • I believe that Pip is wrong because I think that speaking and listening are for doctors and therapists; I think this because doctors need to listen to what the patient is saying- including their hygiene problems- and the doctors need to listen carefully to their patient's problems. On the other hand, therapists need to listen to their patients' worries and thoughts very attentively so they can help with them. Therefore, I think Pip is wrong.

  • Pip is wrong because speaking and listening are more important if you are a manager. Speaking is important for them because they must be able to bring the messages from the head of the workers or employer to the workers or employees, they must also speak so that work can go to plan and also bring new ideas on what should be done and what should not be done, on the other hand, Listening is also important for them because they will also need to plan things according to what the employees think is best, everybody's ideas and thoughts should be valued and managers need listening because one of them may not be able to do a certain task, for example, a manager calls the workers to inform them on how to make work much faster in the construction site and says that people will be arriving at the site at 5 am and one person says that they live far from the site and it takes 1h to reach the site, this will need the manager to think of another idea and that's when someone suggests upgrading their tools and machines and the manager approves it. This shows how important speaking and listening are to a manager.

  • Pip is wrong about speaking and listening because in every job you need to exercise your speaking and listening skills in order to properly have a functioning workplace or to get something done. Especially in such jobs which interact with many types of people with different views as it is key to public relations to be able to speak well in order to persuade and inform people as well as being able to listen to their concerns and ideas. Audio journalists have to be able to listen and speak well as that is their job but Pip is wrong in thinking that there are no other jobs where we need these very useful traits.

  • I think Pip is wrong about speaking and listening because in every single thing you do whether it is a job or just a hobby, you need to utilise listening and speaking in order to be successful in what you are doing and to make sure that you can function in a workplace. For example, in medical professions, you need to be able to listen well to peoples concerns as well as give them information clearly. These sort of public relations are vital to all jobs and is a skill that everyone should have.

  • Pip is wrong because speaking and listening is more important if you are a lawyer. This is because you need to plead your client's case with the judge using your words. You also need to listen to the opposing lawyer's case and decide how you are going to counter argue that.

  • Pip is definitely wrong, a multitude of jobs requires speaking and listening. One of these jobs include psychiatrists. They need to be able to connect with the patient by listening and speaking, to give them tips and how to help them with their struggles. This would help them to protect their patient's mental health, personal disorders, depression, and anxiety. This is a crucial job for society.

  • Pip is wrong because listening and speaking are more important if you are an advertising sales representative. Speaking is important for this job as the sales man/woman has to convince you in the best ways, by listing the benefits of an X product, how to use, what ingrediants it contains and why it's effecient that other products. Listening is important for this job as the sales man/woman has to to listen to what customers ask for, to their feedback, recommendations and complements in order to improve the products' quality if needed.

  • Pip could be correct in some sense but when you are a judge you have to listen to sides of a story (the defense and the prosecutor). If the judge could not listen to two sides of the story then the verdict would be an unfair judgement.

  • pip is wrong because when you are a parent it is vital to speak and listen to your kids to build and keep a bond. Every child needs support from a guardian and I think being a parent is the most important job

  • Pip is wrong because speaking and listening is more important if you are a theopist. Speaking is important for this job because you can tell your client what to do. Listening is important for this job because while your client is talking and expressing their feelings you need to listen and fully engage what they are saying because if you don't listen you will not be able to reply

  • I do not agree with Pip because there are many other jobs that need speaking and listening. They are both very important if you want to be a judge in court because you will need to listen to what lawyers and defendants/prosecutors say and you need to speak when you have a decision, question or opinion. This means that speaking and listening is just as important for being a judge and some other jobs as it is if you are an audio journalist.

  • I think being a football player requires more listening and speaking to get your idea across to your teammates but also as a manager. A really good example might be a manager trying to get the ball back after their opponents claim the ball or maybe a goalkeeper trying trying to get the back four to get in a different formation.