Black Panther

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

The topic is important to me because it talks about how important diversity is.To be yourself to fight for what is right to never give up to show them who you really are.To give a satan to never give up to prove them wrong but also do it for you and for them.To be honest I don’t know who is affected by this topic.But I know that it doesn;t matter who you are are what gender you are or what you are capable to do whatever you want.You also have to fight for what you to stan for or what you give.Also that its okay to be different.It doesn;t matter who you are just if you want to do it than you have to fight for it give a reason why you want it.My opinion is that its important to stan on what you think its worth for fighting.Then Also that it doesn't matter what gender you are or what you are just know that you can accomplish it.Just know if you want it you have to fight for it.Like Black Panther he fought for his land and so he did.