How to use the Student Hub

Welcome to the Topical Talk Festival!
Every week during the Festival, you’ll have discussions in your classroom about a topic in the news. After these lessons, you’ll come here, to the Student Hub.
This is a space to join discussions with other young people around the world to see what others think about the topics you’ve discussed.
Here are some top tips to get started:

Festival topics
Focus on the topics that you learn about in class. This way you’ll have some starting ideas and opinions and be ready to join discussions.

You can comment on any post. Sometimes you’ll be set a challenge or be asked to come up with questions. Mostly you’ll share your opinions by responding to what others have said. The best comments are thoughtful and explain what you think and why. You can also support your response by adding a comment reaction.
Aim to engage with lots of other students in different parts of the world. For example, you could ask other young people about their perspectives and communities.
Find out more in the FAQs

Look out for the leaderboards! If you show a good understanding of a topic or evidence the Topical Talk skills, we’ll award you stars.
Those with the most stars at the end of the Festival will win awards.
Find out more about stars

In week five of the Festival, you’ll be able to submit a standpoint. This will be your own post, sharing your opinion on a topic you’ve followed the discussion on.
Find out more about Standpoints

Profile page
You’ll find all your Hub contributions, star information and notifications on your profile page.

If you get lost, the best place to go is back to the Student Hub homepage.
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