Doctors are endangered.

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Allah Almighty has created human beings for getting knowledge nd serve humanity. It is said by the Holy prophet(PBUH):"The most beneficial is the person who benefits others "

Doctoring is a profession through which objectives of creation are fulfilled.

Health is a great blessing, if we r. not sick we can't imagine the importance of health nd doctors.

Doctors are the need of almost every country to heal deformities and physical imbalnce.

Why doctors are endangered because of social set ups as untiring efforts made to b successful in their studies as parental pressure is they don'twant to see them as failures, afterward they had to undergo tough timings and duty schedule and less salaries.

In my humble thoughts almost in all professions except police and army they face tough conscious level even minor mistakes could endanger patients lives .

Doctors have to move abroad not only in the attraction of high wages but also they are in the quest to b more skillful and professional by working in international atmosphere. Some of them return with degrees nd agree to serve their native. I think such doctors posts would not affect shortage rather exchange policy would b there to fill the gap.

In Pakistan I have observed doctor their price clinics side side govt jobs. When they realiz they earning more their Gov't job they focus on their private clinics. Such doctors r not fined or warned by any authority why they are doing so. Their degrees should b cancelled or their attitude should b discouraged by any way to make them exemplary.

Our societies are Male dominant so female doctors have to surrender by leaving jobs to adjust according to spouses.

Here are 6 suggestions from my side to increase the numbers of new doctors:

1.create more schools to train more doctors.

2.Embrace new technologies.

3.switching on telehealth.

4.create more jobs according to population.

5.Effective payment models.

6. Make it easier for foreign trained physicians to practice.

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