shortage of doctors
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The profession of medicine is one of the best and noblest professions in society, and it is the profession of merciful hearts that works in the service of humanity to relieve people of their aches and pains. Society can do without it or we lose it.
. In this matter, I would like to talk about the shortage of doctors, because doctors have a very important role in our lives, and that there are many reasons for the shortage of doctors, for example
1_ Doctors' resources depend mainly on the number of medical school graduates in the country or the judicial system
2- Also on the number of those who continue to practice medicine as professionals and who remain in their countries of origin
The number of physicians needed in a given context depends on a number of different factors, including
Demographics and epidemiology among the local population ,
the number and types of healthcare practitioners employed in the system,
as well as the specific policies and goals There is a shortage of doctors
When there are not enough doctors available to treat all the patients who need health care. This can be seen at the level of a particular healthcare facility, at the regional, state, country or global level
. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are a shortage of 4.3 million doctors, nurses and other health workers globally,
Doctors can always earn more money and enjoy better working conditions when working in other countries
The shortage of physicians is associated with a number of effects, including:
1- Reducing the amount of health care provided to patients, which hinders the ability of health systems to achieve primary health care goals, such as the Millennium Development Goals.
2- The low quality of health care provided to patients as a result of the short duration of doctor visits. Increased workloads and the large number of patients assigned to each doctor lead to increased workloads and sleep deprivation for doctors, threatening patient safety.
3- Unnecessary deaths of patients while waiting for health care.
4- High prices for practicing medicine as a result of lack of competition according to the rules of supply and demand in health care economics
There are a number of proposed solutions to address the shortage of doctors, including short-term and long-term solutions. Some of these solutions have been tested and implemented in planning and policy for health workers, while others are still under ongoing discussion.
1-Increasing the number of medical graduates by increasing the number of placements from minority students at the local level, as well as increasing the number of placements from foreign graduates (also known as international graduates).
2-Increase the number of medical schools and the size of the classrooms
3-Easing requirements for admission to medical school, such as eliminating the need for a bachelor's degree in some jurisdictions, thus making this educational path more attractive to potential students
3-Increased use of health care and medical teams (nurse practitioners and physician assistants) to do some of In the United States, training of doctors and nurses in geriatrics and gerontology is being intensified to provide better services to the elderly and meet their need for health care services.the doctor's work and increase his or her time to see patients.
I conclude my statement with this question Is poverty and poor economic situation the reason for the shortage of doctors??
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