It's time to solve Global crisis issue

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

For many people in the world, wasting food has become a habit, whereby we buy more food in the market than we need, or let fruits and vegetables spoil in our homes, or take portions of food that are more than we can eat. It's time to change our habits so that food waste does not become a normal way of life!

So here are some easy actions you can take to rethink your relationship with food and what it represents.

1- Adopt a healthier and more sustainable diet

Our fast-paced lives make preparing nutritious meals not easy. But healthy meals don't have to be a lot of effort. The internet is full of healthy quick recipes that you can share with your family and friends.

2- Make sure to buy only what you need for food

Plan your meals. Create a shopping list and stick to it and avoid buying food you don't need. So you'll waste less food and save money on top of that!

3. Choose “ugly” fruits and vegetables

Don't judge food by its appearance! Fruit and vegetables that are abnormally shaped or bruised are often thrown away because they do not meet certain arbitrary aesthetic standards. And don't be afraid - it tastes just like the attractively shaped fruit. For example, you can use the ripe fruit to prepare fruit drinks, smoothies and desserts.

4- Store food wisely

Place older food products at the front of the cupboard or refrigerator, and newer products in the back. Use airtight containers to keep opened food fresh in the fridge, and make sure bags are sealed to prevent insects from entering.

5- Be able to read the information on food packages

There is a big difference between "best before" and "expiration date". Sometimes a particular food may remain safe for consumption after the "best-to-eat" date, while the expiration date indicates the maximum period for its safe consumption. Check the information on food packages to see if they contain unhealthy ingredients such as trans fats and preservatives, and avoid foods with added sugar or salt.

6- Start consuming smaller amounts

Eat smaller portions at home or share large plates at restaurants with others.

7- Don't do without leftovers

If you cannot eat the full amount of food you have prepared, you can freeze it for later use or use the leftovers as an ingredient for another meal.

Buying abnormal-looking fruits and vegetables, or using leftovers to prepare other meals, are good habits that help prevent food loss and waste.
8- Use food waste

Instead of throwing away food waste, compost it, this way you return nutrients to the soil and reduce your carbon footprint.

9- Respect food

Food is a bond between people. Renew your relationship with food by learning about the procedures adopted in its manufacture, reading literature on how food is produced, and getting to know the farmers whose produce you buy.

10- Support local food producers

By purchasing local agricultural produce, you are supporting family farmers and small businesses in your local community. You can also help in the fight against pollution by shortening the distances traveled by trucks and other vehicles involved in the delivery of food commodities.

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