AI and the arts

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AI and the arts-

AI has had a drastic effect on the world ranging from being able to write essays, to creating imaginative art pieces. But has it had a positive or negative effect on the world?

AI has helped artists to be more creative and helps them create art pieces quicker. It creates new pieces that are unique and give artists more freedom with their creativity. It can also help music artists make new songs at a faster rate and it can help producers identify new trends for their songs. Furthermore it teaches people how to create music with technology. AI in writing helps authors write content faster and makes research faster. AI is also found in photographyand has helped refine photos and create more artistic and vibrant photographs. Overall AI has benefited everyone in the creative industry with speed and creativity.

Although AI can be helpful at times it may not be convenient in the future. This is because AI could overpower human creativity therefore jobs in the arts sector could be stolen. The human touch in art could be lost because the artist has a lack of control of their piece and we will lose the true traditional meaning of creating art by hand. In the music industry the emotion in songs will be completely forgotten. On May 18 2023 during an interview with the BBC a musician called Sting said "The building blocks of music belong to us, to human beings that's going to be a battle we all have to fight in the next couple of years: Defending our human capital against AI." This shows how many people are against AI being involved in the arts sector. AI relies on previous data to learn and write so AI may take other writers' content. Artificial intelligence also stitches content together so it can contain minor errors with the flow of the text. On April 18 2023 a German photographer, Boris Eldagsen, rejected a prize from Sony World Photography Awards. This is because the photograph of two women from different generations was created by AI. Boris said “AI images and photography should not compete with each other in an award like this. They are different entities. AI is not photography. Therefore I will not accept the award.” He did this to spark a debate about whether AI should be involved with the arts.

In conclusion, I believe that AI should not be completely involved with the arts. It is a revolutionary tool to use as inspiration or guidance but it is important not to heavily rely on technology for content. AI is not a replacement for human creativity. Artificial Intelligence lacks emotional depth that comes from being human and it cannot replicate the experience of creating or seeing something made from hard work and imagination.

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