AI Generated Art

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Using AI to produce art has been a controversial issue. I believe that AI might make human artists insignificant, considering it only takes it a few minutes to produce high quality artwork. In this essay, I will be introducing both the positives and negatives of using artificial intelligence to create art.

Firstly, a positive is that artists can focus on their vision while the AI works on the time consuming tasks. This will save the artist an enormous amount of time. This will improve their productivity overall. Moreover, AI can make art which is unique, giving artists new creative possibilities. However, some argue that art generated by artificial intelligence lacks some qualities such as emotions and personal experiences, which humans surpass at conveying. Last year, Colorado State Fair’s annual art competition gave the winning prize to Jason M. Allen, who used ‘Midjourney’, an AI program that produced his entry for the contest. People had different views on this. For example, the artist himself said, “The fair was coming up, and I thought:How wonderful would it be to demonstrate to people how great this art is?” This differs from another artist’s opinion, RJ Palmer, who declared, “What makes this AI different is that it’s explicitly trained on current working artists. This thing wants our jobs, it’s actively anti-artist.” Part of this is true - AI are often trained on existing artistic styles. This causes it to impersonate present artists.

In conclusion, I am concerned about the future of human artists. Artificial intelligence can mimic what they create, and at high speed. Regardless of the fact that when it comes to delivering a message human art is preferable, there still is a high chance AI might make humans less important, eventually. However, AI is a useful tool, which can provide creative inspiration. Ultimately, the future of AI in art lies in the hands of artists who adapt, explore, and find ways to create meaningful art with this new technology.