Our Earth for where.

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.


Humanity has made progress in stabilizing the climate and living peacefully. However, over the past 50 years, especially in the last five years, we have witnessed a race in the
appearance of physical signs of climate change and its impact on our world.

The temperature has risen by 0.86 degrees Celsius and the World Meteorological Organisation expects this increase to continue. This is known as global warming, which is an increase in the Earth's temperature due to an increase in the level of carbon dioxide gas. These gases are called greenhouse gases and are responsible for warming the Earth's atmosphere

We also observe an increase in the percentage of carbon dioxide by 26% from what it was previously.

Causes of global warming: Our life train takes us to the most important reasons that led to the change of our planet and affected it. The first of these factors is the increase in the levels of carbon dioxide, methane, )a and some other gases in the atmosphere resulting from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas used to generate electricity.

Deforestation by humans for urban expansion has an impact on increasing the )b
greenhouse effect as trees absorb carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, and when
removed, these gases are released into the air, increasing their concentration.

As for methane, which has a lower concentration than carbon dioxide but has a
stronger effect in trapping heat by twenty-five times over a hundred years, it is
produced by agricultural activities such as rice cultivation, livestock breeding burning of fossil fuels, and decomposition of organic matter.

Our planet's train takes us to nitrogen oxide, which traps heat about 300 times more than carbon dioxide over a hundred years. We arrive at halocarbon, which is a thousand times more impactful than greenhouse gases because it is composed of more than just carbon gases.

The effects of global warming are:
-Changes in temperature
-Changes in rainfall patterns
-Melting of ice and rising sea levels
-Tropical storms
-Environmental impact

We all need to come together to fight the common enemy that threatens our planet and
our future. Governments, institutions, and individuals must take responsibility to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions to protect our planet and our future generations.
One effective way to address global warming is through legislation and regulations such as imposing a carbon tax on factories and institutions to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. Working on recycling plastic and paper waste and reducing the use of air conditioning and using energy-efficient bulbs and appliances.
Using less hot water, using public transportation and carpooling.
Planting trees and increasing vegetation coverage.