Nepotism Is Not Fair, It Needs To Stop

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

What is nepotism? Nepotism is favoritism based on kinship. Nepotism is not fair because it gives a famous person family opportunities then others, and because people who worked hard for what they want might not get what they want because they are giving the family or friends their opportunities. I would say nepotism should not be allowed because everyone should have equal opportunities as each other. They shouldn't get something just because people have famous family members. They should work for what they want just like everybody else. I think it is unacceptable.

Nepotism isn't fair because it gives other people with successful family members more opportunities than others because they know someone who is famous. If the celebrity people have kids, they are called nepo-babies. Nepo-babies are kids of celebrities. They get more chances for stuff just because who their parents are. This isn't fair, and it should be stopped because of this.

Lastly, because nepotism is favoritism based on kinship. Nepotism is not fair because it gives a famous person family opportunities then others, and because people who worked hard for what they want might not get what they want because they are giving the family or friends their opportunities.

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