Coronation abomination
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.
Recent facts
King Charles III was crowned on the 6 th of may 2023 as king of England.
Did you Know that he was the first King with a degree.
King Charles is now 74 years old and the first king in 70 years. Camilla was crowned on the 6th may 2023 as queen consort as well as king Charles our king.
The royals have been racist to Megan, who is Prince Harry's wife, just because she is from somewhere else. Some people even think Harry has gone completely rogue and ruined his wife Meghan’s comeback, and he needs to be stopped. Some people think that the royals should be voted and the royals should have too
much power! My opinion is that the royals should be voted in.
What next?
We think that there should be more diversity in the royal family
Instead of the government having more control over the country.
Do you think the same as me?
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