The importance of monarchy around the world

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From my point of view the monarchy plays a key role in today's countries which have a monarchy. Nonetheless many countries which have had a monarchy might help themselves track their history by looking at its past . That among some reasons is why I believe that we should defend and protect our monarchy from people that want to eradicate it or are against it.
Monarchy is a form of government in which a single person, known as a monarch, governs the country or state. The monarch may have limited or absolute power, depending on the specific system in place. Monarchy is a prevalent form of government throughout history, and while many countries have moved towards democratic systems, there are still several states with monarchies.

On one hand, supporters of monarchy argue that it is an essential part of a country's cultural heritage and identity. Monarchies often have long-standing traditions and symbols that are meaningful to citizens, and the monarchy can serve as a unifying force for the nation. In addition, some argue that monarchs provide a sense of stability and continuity, as they are chosen by birth rather than by periodic elections.

On the other hand, critics of monarchy point to its inherent inequities and limitations on individual freedoms. Allowing one person to hold near-absolute power can lead to corruption and oppression, especially in cases where the monarch is not held accountable by democratic institutions. In addition, monarchies can be seen as outdated and out of touch with contemporary realities, and some argue that constitutional monarchies, in particular, serve little practical purpose beyond symbolic value.

There are different types of monarchies around the world. For example, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Sweden are constitutional monarchies, in which the monarch has few actual powers and serves primarily as a figurehead or symbol of the state. Other countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Brunei, are absolute monarchies, meaning the monarch holds all power and is not subject to any legal limitations.

In summary, the topic of monarchy around the world is a subject of great debate and discussion among scholars, politicians, and citizens alike. While some argue that monarchy provides an important cultural and historical anchor for a nation, others highlight the potential for abuse and oppression that can result from a concentration of power in the hands of one individual.

Nonetheless i reaffirm that countries with a monarchy should protect it so that the values of said country aren't lost . This helps the society and population of a country help determine where they come from , their values etc .
Furthermore the monarchy of it's parliamentary most of the times holds benefic acts/ events to show their support and provide for the less fortunate . In some cases like Dubai the king of The UAE receives people in his house every week for them to tell the monarchy their problems. The also listen to the people . When COVID came and people didn't want confinement, the monarchy allowed them to travel freely .