Meet our…skills and knowledge!
During the Festival, we’d like you to demonstrate important skills and knowledge in your discussions. Showing these in your responses will not only make your comments more interesting, but will also earn you stars, which might get you awards!
We’ll be looking for the following skills in your responses:
because good listeners learn more.
because good speakers have discussions that help everyone to learn, including themselves.
because good problem-solvers can work out what’s really going on and what should be done about it.
because creative people can come up with ideas about what’s going on and what can be done about it.
We’ll also be looking to see if you can demonstrate your knowledge of the news, including:
- Knowledge of important news events and discussions – for example, the topics and discussions from your Topical Talk lessons
- Knowledge of the how people find the news – for example, television, radio and social media
- Knowledge of the context of news stories – for example, understanding why people from different countries react differently to the same story
- Knowledge of the most common themes that shape the news – for example, power, justice and scarcity
In this discussion:
- Tell everyone which skill you think is the most important to use during the Festival
- Tell everyone why it is important for young people to have knowledge about the news
- Read other student comments and let them know what you think by replying directly to their comment
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