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The metaverse is a vision of what many in the computer industry believe is the next iteration of the internet: a single, shared, immersive, persistent, 3D virtual space where humans experience life in ways they could not in the physical world. However, it can be dangerous for younger children aged 2-7 due to the presence of rude adults and older kids aged 12-17. To address this, there should be a curse silencer and block for users more than 5 years older than oneself.
Positives of the metaverse:
There are several positives to being in the metaverse. Firstly, you can play realistic games and watch things that can help you in difficult situations. If you are not comfortable socializing in real life, you can socialize in the metaverse, which can be beneficial for many people. Additionally, you can pursue and achieve your biggest dreams without the financial burden, travel requirements, and organization. Another positive aspect is that people can find entertainment and experience happiness, which contributes to positive energy.
Negatives of the metaverse:
However, there are also negative aspects to consider. Many people may become less active in the real world. The excessive use of the metaverse can strain the brain and eyes, leading to difficulties in comprehending real-world experiences. Moreover, some individuals may experience sleep deprivation, poor nutrition due to lack of eating, and insufficient exposure to sunlight. Furthermore, distractions caused by the metaverse can make users more vulnerable to potential theft or robbery. It is important to be cautious when befriending unknown people online. Keeping your settings private or limited to known individuals can mitigate potential risks.
Conclusion about the metaverse:
While online platforms in the metaverse can be used, it is crucial to balance your online time with activities in the physical world. Maintaining caution with strangers and ensuring your privacy settings are secure are essential for online safety. It is recommended to limit online usage to around 4.5 hours per day and spend the remaining time engaging in physical activities. It is advisable not to overspend on online games as you may decide to stop playing them in the future.
Hope this was helpful.
Ramiro-Jahkeim Grant
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