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Strikes are a legal and democratic means for workers to express their grievances and demand fair treatment from their employers. It is up to governments and employers to ensure that workers' rights are protected and that labor laws are followed. Ultimately, strikes should be conducted peacefully and responsibly, with both sides working towards a resolution that benefits everyone involved.
Strikes can be an effective tool for workers to communicate their demands and negotiate better working conditions, wages, and benefits. On the other hand, strikes can also have negative consequences, such as disrupting businesses and causing financial losses. It ultimately depends on individual perspectives and circumstances
Strikes can get stuff done as they can be more powerful than trying to negotiate better pay or conditions from your boss because they can make more of an impact. When strikes are successful, it leads to happier, healthier, better paid workers who are able to do their jobs better. However drawbacks of strikes is that the employer is likely to lose money due to delayed service to clients or to lost production time. The employees will lose their pay due to the no work, no pay principle. If the strikers are dismissed they will lose their livelihoods altogether
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