Strikes: a fight against discrimination

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Strikes are often in the news because they can be very destructive. IN 2023 there have been in many countries, including Australia, France, Indonesia, the UK and the US. The reasons for these strikes have ranged from workers wanting pay rises, to workers protesting against working conditions that they feel are unfair. Workers who go on strike do not always get what they want. Usually, unions must negotiate with business owners or the government.

Strikes are organised by a group of workers called a union. Strikes are a way for a union to express themselves , but eliminating strikes would have serious repercusssiions: a remote or indirect consequence of some action

Five reasons why we need a right to strikes:

1. Striking is a last resort tbut sometimes the only tool for workers tp protect themselves

2. To avoid being at the mercy of employers

3. To give more of a balnace between worker and employer power

4. Witoht it , more and more governments will be ban industrial action & punish people who dare to strike

5. Most strikes are over pay & better working conditions, Without the threat of strike action corporations will be able to make bigger profits, while working conditions will get worse

Just as everything has its pros & cons, strikes also has its disadvantages.

Strikes are more inclined to reduce the production of an organisation , as well as corollarly ( a practical consequence that follows naturally) in a firm losing customers . Consequences of strikes on employees is that they may lose their remuneration.

Strikes can damage public opinin toward both elected leaders and bring real financial consequences for strkes. A strike can only happen if a majority of union memebers agree via an organised vote. Over to you , which do you think you agree on?