Strikes and their Consequences

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

A strike is a situation in which workers refuse to continue working because of an agreement or low remuneration or even bad working cond0on with an employer. Demonstrations have brought workers the right to strike and join a trade union. In other words, I can say that strike is when a group of workers decide not to work for some time due to bad working conditions. A strike is commonly considered the best weapon in the history of organized labour for settling industrial disputes when all other options for amicable settlement of an industrial dispute have been exhausted and negotiations with employers have failed the employee resorts to strike action. I think that strikes should be allowed because if they are not people would retire quickly and this could result in a shortage of workers in society.

Some of the reasons for strike actions have emanated from discrimination, layoffs, instability in service, payment less than the minimum wage, etc. when someone is treated unjustly owing to their sex, ethnicity, age or disability, this can cause an entire labour union to go on strike as a way of showing solidarity. Although this may be rare, people still go on strike as a result of this. Layoffs can be defined as a temporary or permanent discharge of workers due to unfavourable economic conditions.

Strikes usually result in some form of hardship, not only for the employers and employees but also for the community at large.