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  • Today I want to talk to you about AI or artificial intelligence I believe that AI is important and it is a great and fast growing piece of technology however I do not believe that AI should take over certain areas such as the fast food corporations or education. When it comes to education I feel that having a real life teacher is always best is they are able to ask and answer questions of their students challenge them and create a real life experience for them they are able to understand the students their backgrounds their culture and their understandings and a more real life way when I look at the workforce in the fast food and restaurant corporations I realize that this is the way that most students make their way through college most parents are able to support their families so if we replace those jobs with AI we are replacing those job fields where some lower income families will no longer be able to support their families again I feel like AI is a great technology however I feel like there is a limit on how much of the AI we should use in our world so that we do not overtake the human needs for jobs and employment as well as for our education

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