
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

  • Introduction
  • One of the main concerns of AI is that it is taking over people's lives, taking peoples money and taking some info about you and everything you ask.AI can be addicting for some people and making them want to use it for there daily life it is making people addicted and is taking money and some people are trying to to take action be using it less so there info can not be taken and money so people but the problem is that using AI is starting to get more expensive.With some of the ai apps you don't have to pay like chat gpt and gauth ai homework helper.
  • The positives
  • The positives of ai is that it answers some of your questions like homework answers and writing essays and teachers cant tell if students are using ai for homework answers
  • The negatives
  • Some of the negatives are the money some ai apps are making you pay £50 just for 1 month of using ai with no trial also ai sometimes gives you fawlty answers like 1+1=11 some people are complaining about it and it needs to be stoped

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