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AI and the future work and education of young people is a pressing issue that requires urgent action from leaders and governments from around the world.I firmly believe that AI is not good for the future of work and education. While some might disagree with me when i say that AI is bad for us. In this essay i will present the positives and negatives of AI and the future of education and work. I will also say more about what I think about AI.


FIrstly, AI is also good. It helps to do many jobs and helps in education when the teacher or the adult cant help at the moment. It also gives big benefits to work and education. Secondly, AI can generate and edit pictures really fast. It can also do many things that humans can't do or they can but it would take a really long time to do those things. AI can also help in education if the student is struggling and the teacher or adult can’t help at the moment.


Unfortunately, there is also a negative side of AI! For example AI can generate a photo or a picture which is pretty cool right! Well not really, AI steals ideas and types of art that express them. And AI dose it without the artist's premonition. It also steals personnel information like credit card number or phone number. AI is still developing so what will it be able to do in the future.

In conclusion, I am concerned about the future of work and education. Although AI has a positive and negative impact we need to be careful. AI can be dangerous. So i thing AI should be stopped or be develop more fairly.

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