This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.
- AI needs to be stopped
- I am writing about AI because it is important to know what could potentially take over our world and future jobs. I want to stop this because I don’t think it is fair to let AI take over the world. This can affect everyone because people will no longer have their jobs because AI are extremely intelligent and are capable of anything they can do what humans can do x10 and faster and better.
- Other people like the government wouldn’t agree with me.It is a fact AI are better because they can store the knowledge of thousands of humans and computers and websites.Therefore, they are more advanced and smarter and can take over the world in only a matter of a few year which is not long if you think about it and nobody wants this.Do they?
- The first AI was invented in 1956 by scientists Simon and Newell these scientists wanted to create AI to provide software that other people could use in the future for educational purposes such as calculators,boards which can be hooked on to a wall for students to learn off of and more advanced technology such as chromebooks which students can use to practise on online websites such as Tassomai,Sparx maths,Sparx reader,Active Learn and Times Table Rockstars.
- There are some people who agree with me like Steven Hawkings who said “Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history”.
- He also said along with Elon Musk it needs to be controlled and to ensure this they have advocated research into precautionary measures.
- There are also some people who would agree with both sides of the argument for example Elon Musk believes one day they could make us extinct or (irrelevant).
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