AI in Education. Yes or no!

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

I believe that there are both positives and negatives to AI when it comes to education. I believe that although there are limitations to having AI. Such as that AI cannot fix certain mistakes or make Corrections that a human will be able to pick up. However AI is also has the capabilities of being able to teach a student on their individual needs and skills basis. However, a human teacher is able to give you the compassion and motivation that an AI technology is not able to support . A human teacher is able to understand you as the student in a way that AI is not able or capable of doing. In addition, I know that there are multiple ways in which students misuse AI for purposes such as writing papers or looking up homework information, but when you have a teacher who is monitoring what you are doing in the classroom it is harder to manipulate the work that a student outputs.

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