Can AI work together with humans and can it be part of education and work life?

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AI is a newly developed tool which is allowing us humans to work faster and more efficient in certain aspects. It compines a lot of the knowledge that can be found online and is able to find solutions and creat new things on it's own. Sounds like it could make our life much easier, right?

Well, yes it does to a certain degree. I think there are many diffrent problems that come along with AI being integraded into our lifes. In school for example, I imagine it being difficult always knowing that a student is doing their own work, since copying work from AI programs is a very currant problem I'm aware of. If AI is bing integraded into the regular school life over time it might become normal and only a tool to provid help. In lessons for example, it could help teachers to prepaire for the lesson or for student to do research or for the teacher maybe even provid a help or releve from correcting students tests. But then I see a new problem created because by losing the teacher to correct the students work the personal connection disapears which is essential to the learing process for many students.

In general though, I think that everything is connected to our habits, what we're used to and our daily routin and just understanding of the world. The world is changing a lot though so why not also change our habits and everything we're used to? It's going to be easier to integrade AI into younger geerations because they grew up with phones and similar stuff and weren't introduced to it later in life.

Relating to work life it gets a bit more complicated because in theory every job could be taken over by a robot, machin or AI. The problem there is that many people wouldn't be able to work any more. There would need to be some kind of exchange for those. That could also already be integraded into a new education because there you could teach them from the begining to do something else that we are not used to do, like away from the us known research and academic life. I don't think having the humans not work at all anymore would be an option.

In conclusion I think that humans could work together with AI, because it really is a helpfull tool, just that it needs to be slowly introduces in younger generations and the social structors as we known them might need to be rearranged.

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