How will AI change our lives and environment?

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Hello Topical Talkers hope you had a terrific day. I will be discussing about

“How will AI change our lives?” One thing about AI, it could be great for the environment as it could reduce our carbon footprint. Although we already have devices on our hands daily, AI can be so much more. For instance, AI like Alexa and Siri and other Artificial Intelligence make our lives easier as they are able to keep track of our daily needs, security, tasks, calendars and so much more. There are restaurants that now use AI to serve drinks and appetizers in order to help customers get in and out swiftly or without the need to wait on basic items. Almost everyone I know has a smartphone which gives them the power of a computer at their fingertips. However, many argue that maybe we are taking things too far. AI is taking over many jobs, AI is already beginning to change our world. Will it be for better or worse?

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