prisons in Ecuador

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  • My topic is about Prisons in Ecuador and i'm talking about the problems there.Recently a powerful prisoner had broken out and they were called by Fito. He is part of a gang and had been in many prisons but this one that he broke out of was maximum security but it was not strong enough to hold him in.
  • I think it's the prisons fault because maybe the guards are being bribed with money because they aren't getting enough pay on their duty time in prisons to stop people from breaking out. There's also other reasons why... it could be because the prison doesn't hire big enough or highly experienced guards so they can stop prisoners from escaping jail. There also could be a possibility of a lack of security due to money rise.
  • Prisoners adapt to different environments so they graffiti the walls so then the prison can't pay for it so the guards get low pay and then prisoners break out because they are being bribed due to those graffiti ect. I think they should make the guards bigger and stronger and put them for longer training and test them to their my opinion people should be aware of people breaking out of prisons so they can be aware and be safe.

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