Prisons in ecuador

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Prisons in ecuador are quite interesting. But in life you will have people disagree with you. But i think it's fascinating not knowing what's going to happen next. Such as, are they doing the things they did? Are they planning something? What do they know that we don't? How are they still continuing the gang? All of those questions are not answered . we don't know if there planning to do something with other countries in particular. It is hard to tell but the prisoners should have a second chance. It's not fair to blame them for everything. They might want a fresh start ,Start all over again.

Everyone has their own opinion and this opinion is my opinion. I firmly believe that the prisoners need quite a while in the prison so they can learn their lesson. They might have learned lots of lessons. But I think they need a second chance at life. See the positive side they learn and can start a life they like instead a life that they didn't like what they did outside of jail. Probably some of the gang members were forced to join because they had no choice. Probably some people didn't even know about the gang and got blamed and still got put in jail. Now let's see the negative side, probably the gang members are planning when they are out of jail to do something bad, or maybe they are planning to do something to the jail they might be planning something with other countries. Thank you for reading my standpoint. Hope this helps you right your standpoint.


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