prisons in Ecuador

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In the lesson we done about prisons in Ecuador we learnt about jose` adolfo macias villamar better known as Fito.Fito is in charge of a powerful gang that is called los choneros.He is avery powerful man, it took over one hundred prison guards to move him to another prison.On the seventh of january twenty twenty four police descovered that he was missing from his cell.

On january 8th ecuadors president declaired a state of emergancies after fito's disappearance sparked violence across the country.In some prisons there was riots more than 200 prison guardswere either kidnapped or held hostage.Fito has escaped from lots of prisons before he has been in 5 diffrent prisons.

i think that prisons in Ecuador need highe cecurity and need to pay guards more so that they don't get bribbed as easily.

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