Prisons in Ecuador; what is the problem?
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

In January of this year, a big drug gang leader named Jose Villamer (Fito) escaped from a maximum security prison in Guayaquill, Ecuador. This is a huge problem as it caused riots and chaos in the streets. It also creates fear and uneasyness among the general public.
The man has been in around 4-6 different prisons and needs about 1,000 heavily armed troops to transport him about. This means it migh of been an inside job and someone was bribed. That is only my opinion; it might not be true. Also, this means that the other gang members inside the prison might be busted out and cause lots of problems in the prisons. It is also tells us that the security is very poorly paid and the guards are vey open to bribery.
To get to the bottom of the case, I think that futher investigations need to be done and questioning will be good idea. Hopefully, the police and government will catch him.
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