prisons in equadar

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The prisons in equador are not that sucure as a man in a high sucurity prison and still managed to break out with his gang members.When the man (fito) bought and sold drugs to many people and he has been in prisons many times befor hense why he is in a high sucurity prison. This is why he is one of the most wanted prisoners on earth.Fito started selling drugs in 2012 and never quited once he is apart of a gang in equador and they are the most powerful gang in europ.

His gang wa called Los Choneros and when he was put in prison he had to be moved to another side of he prison as he was causing to much trouble in the end he was in. But his lawyer had the idea to keep him in he end he was in as he knew his gang members were going to get him out by that end and also he was going to be taken by 1000 officers around the prisons.

When he got out he ran away and ws never seen again i think that the prison should have better gaurd as he persuaded to help him get out.also when he got in he realised there wasnt much cameras so he knew if he was carefull he would get out.

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