Enhanced games

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My topic is the Enhanced games and what they are. The Enhanced Gamesare when people are allowed to consume certain drugs (anabolic sterroids) to boost their performance. Peter Theil is the creator of these games and he has put an important rule in place: in order to compete you have to take the anabolic sterroids to make the competition more fair. But is it totally fair?

A couple of people who would be affected by this is olympians and paralympians. They would have trained so hard and then the enhanced games competetors train less hard, but gain as much fame as the olympians and paralympians. They must feel the enhanced games arent very fair on them and dont you think everyone should be happy with the desicion of creating these.

In my opinion the creators of the Enhanced Games should ask most people who will be affected how they feel ( olympians, paralympians, some members of the public etc. ) . Also i dont feel that the enahanced Games are completely including, if for example you have lost an arm or a leg and have an artificial limb will the anabolic sterroids help your muscles in your performance? So its not really fair for paralympians.

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