The Enhanced Games
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.
I think it’s important for young people to learn about the topic of ‘The Enhanced Games’ because we need to learn that the Enhanced Games is an unacceptable sporting event.
If you dreamt of taking part in the Olympic Games but you thought that you would always lose, in the Enhanced Games you can use drugs to help you win and to fulfil your dreams. Using drugs increases the chances of winning.
On the other hand, people could lose their lives if they overdose on drugs. The Enhanced Games is too risky to be an actual sport event. It is also not fair for poor countries that can not afford as many drugs as richer countries. Also, the people that refuse to use too many drugs might get forced to use more than they would like. Drugs could affect our body in a way that can never be changed. You could get many illnesses if you use drugs : lung or heart disease ; stroke ; cancer and mental health conditions.
Our next generations might start believing that it is acceptable to use drugs. Drugs should not be accepted in the sporting world. There is a reason that drugs are not allowed in the Olympic Games.
I believe that The Enhanced Games should not be approved as an ongoing sporting event. Is it right that we are encouraging the use of drugs? Furthermore, the people who do the Olympics have spent all their lives training everyday. The people that take part in The Enhanced Games might train, but probably do not train anywhere as much as the Olympic sports people. The OLympic Games sports people will always be professionals, whereas the Enhanced Games competitors will only be considered as unprofessionals : using drugs should not be rewarded.
What do you think, should the Enhanced Games be a thing or not?
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