The Enhanced Games: is doping fair?

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The Enhanced Games is a new international sports competition which is similar to The Olympics except that athletes are not tested for drug usage. In the following I’m going to discuss the controversy of this subject and whether or not these performance enhancing techniques are a good idea.

On the one hand, these techniques improve athletes abilities because they process information more quickly and then can strategize more effectively. For example they’ll have quicker reflexes, are faster and jump higher.

Also, doping can motivate these athletes to be better because they'll work on themselves. For example, they’ll achieve bigger goals.

On the other hand, doping can be seen as unfair because it undermines the athletes who compete without any enhancements. For example, other athletes are not going to want to pursue sports anymore because they might feel unfairly treated.

Additionally, the usage of drugs can cause health problems. For example, addiction, organ damage.

In my opinion, doping is a very dangerous form of enhancing performance because your body gets dependent on the enhancement and won’t be able to do things on its own. Also it can demotivate the athletes that try on their own without any enhancement they won't have any chance to win against anyone. Normalization of doping in sports could also set a negative example for younger athletes and could promote the prioritization of winning over fair play.

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