Be who you want to be.

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Usually, people love emaking stereotypes about women, most of them being false.

Well, first, a stereotype is usually and untrue belief that people make up just because they don't like the person or the thing, Wich other people that have the same opinion will start agreeing on it.

An example of a stereotype that is very popular is "men can fight better than women", Wich is half true half false. most people like thinking that women are weaklings and by saying most women, I mean men in particular since they like to think they are top. A woman can fight very well if she is trained correctly. Another big and pretty popular stereotype about women is "women are natural nurturers and men are natural leaders". Whenever I hear this stereotype, I feel like exploding. This is a pretty hurtful stereotype in my opinion, since it kind of represents on what I said earlier that men think they are top and woman are at the bottom, wich I strongly disagree with since there are many influencing women out there that have been and still are at the top and iconic. Here in Romania, some boys think: "Women should be feminine".

The conclusion is that people shall stop making up these kinds of stereotypes because they don't make any sense. As long as you are comfortable with what you are doing, it shouldn't bother you other people's opinions.

Be who you want to be.

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