Portrayed and betrayed: Women in Media

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When it comes to the treatment of women from the Victorian Era to now we have come far and there is undeniable improvement. Although, like many things misogne and gender stereotypes will never truly disappear, lingering like a bad stench. I think we have all heard the phrase "dumb blonde" which often is portrayed as attractive but dumb or ditsy women. One of the first examples of this is the one and only Marilyn Monroe. Although a person just you or me, her life in the spotlight caused her to be a object of desire. M

She was cast as "dumb blonde" and the movie producers had so control over how she acted, people started to believe that was how she actually acted in real life, despite the fact she was actually quite intelligent. Crippled by low self-esteem, depression, stage fright and chronic insomnia, poor Marilyn became reliant on barbiturates and alcohol in the 50's. At 36 years old, 4th August 1962 Marilyn was dead. Cause of death being barbiturates overdose. There are many that don't know this. That's because they didn't focus and that side of her, instead focusing on "pretty girl in a pretty dress" aspect. Her story is unfortunate but it shows what media can do to a person. To this day she is one of the most famous sex symbols and yet barely any one knows what she went through. Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time I saw a unattractive female actor. And what do you think about when you here the word "Instagram"? I wouldn't be surprised if you thought of attractive girls taking pics and posting it for the sweet likes. Attractive women have conquered media which can make it hard for women that can't meet certain beauty standards. Nowadays we measure likes and self worth beside each other. So we still have a long way to go but we've already made it so far and we can't aspect to much from people. Think we will cross that bridge eventually and hopefully no one will suffer like Monroe again.i S

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