Fast or sustainable fashion ?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.


I'm all for fashion and buying clothes at a reasonable prices. But...I am against taking advantage of the little guy and filling up landfills to do it. I think ALL sewing plants (big and small) should be inspected to make sure they are paying their workers a decent wage and aren't harboring and taking advantage of illegal immigrants and desperate people. All brands should have to prove where all their garments are made and efforts should be made to make sure EVERYTHING is on the up and up. If it means paying a little more than so be it. Keeping everything on the level (without over-inspecting) will keep people at decent wages and keep the fashion industry going. Also, more shops should be set-up to sell the excessive leftovers a few seasons later and rejects at discounted rates, instead of throwing the clothes away. What can't be sold should be recycled in some way. Fabrics can now be re-broken-down into fibers again and re-mixed with other materials and new fabrics can now be re-broken-down into fibers again and re-mixed with other materials and new fabrics made again. Also, rags, curtains, rugs, bags, and many many more items can be made from the other excess clothes, that can be re-sold and re-purposed. So....if a brand wanted to, they could get into the whole realm of making and re-making of their goods, or hire good

sub-contractors to handle the second part. Imagine how much money could be doubled and tripled by a brand if they did that and set up some of these other shops to deal with the re-purposed products. Less landfill and more fat pockets.