Space exploration an "Ultimate Future Of Mankind "

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  • Space exploration allows us to prove or disprove scientific theories developed on Earth. Studying the solar system, for example, has brought us insights into such phenomena as gravity, the magnetosphere, the atmosphere, fluid dynamics and the geological evolution of other planets.

    1. I am very curious to know how it plays it's role in "fluid dynamics ".

  • The future of space exploration includes both telescopic exploration and physical exploration with robotic spacecraft and human spaceflight. Near-term physical exploration missions focused on gathering new information about the solar system are being planned and announced by national and private organizations. But I expect that aliens are not real, and NASA has proven that. I prefer that there is no planet to live on after the surface of the earth

  • I agree with you that space exploration is worth it even if it does cost a lot of money as my mathematics teacher says nothing good comes easy. We already improved our day-to-day lives with the help of technology from space with things like air purifiers and baby formulas. Also by looking at our planet from space we can predict dangers that are coming to our planet and try to stop them more easier. Finally, it's good for our health because thanks to exploring space we can now detect cancers more easily with the help of special machines and just think of all the other wonderful things we can discover with this.

  • Allows us to prove or disprove scientific theories developed on earth.

  • Although we watch movies and read about a Martian colony and building bases on distant moons within our solar system, we currently explore and travel with vastly inadequate propulsion. Our engines cannot generate sufficient speed to shorten the journey required to continually resupply any substantial settlements. This means months and years to resupply and our ability to create a self-sustaining colony is likely years to decades away. Mars is extremely hostile to humans and most life forms we could use to generate a supply of nutrients needed to survive. The distant moons are equally and often more hostile to our ability to survive. The concepts involving ‘terra-forming’ may be based in reality, but they are not practical from a time or cost perspective.
    So basically, we would need safe, tough and durable environmental structures to live and work in, essentially duplicating a grounded version of the spaceship’s protective characteristics, with the obvious advantages of a stationary facility - room to carry on a myriad of activities.
    We humans and all the environmental elements and life forms we depend on for our survival live on a very special planet, within relatively narrow temperature and atmospheric conditions, so acquiring alternative planetary habitats will require some substantial journeys that are simply not practical using current technologies.
    Far more advanced propulsion’s systems would make supported colonization more practical, but an Earth analog that may not require any effort beyond the journey, has yet to be confirmed and will require advancements in every current technology we use to achieve.

    1. Thats a perfect point "terraforming" mars or even titan is certainly not plausible for the time being .But centuries ago people thought that it would be impossible to fly now we are able to fly at supersonic speeds. Similarly in my opinion visiting mars and terraforming it will be one day certainly possible.
      We have the theory and technology but we lack resources and we lack a lot of it that's the problem.