Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Technology “.

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Artificial Intelligence is a field related to the development of systems and programs that have the ability to analyze data, learn patterns and make decisions independently. Artificial intelligence is used in many fields, including e-commerce, healthcare, Manufacturing, entertainment, education.

Artificial intelligence requires a lot of research and development, and includes many branches such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, voice recognition, computer vision, and others.

artificial intelligence can solve many current problems in society, and can help improve people's daily lives.However, artificial intelligence also raises concerns about the impact it can have on work, the economy, and society.

Among the negative aspects of artificial intelligence, unemployment will spread, and the lack of work and manpower will spread, how? Poverty spreads to workers in this case..
Also, it does not only make our jobs easier, but also makes us work less, because some people will refuse to work because machines will do all their work on their behalf, but despite these negatives, technology will create more job opportunities than it will eliminate by providing digital services and products Across all industries.

1. In what ways can artificial intelligence be used to improve the learning experience for students?

2. Can AI solve the digital divide in education?

3. How can artificial intelligence help in the development of self-education?

4. What are the barriers faced by artificial intelligence in improving education?

5. Can AI solve the lack of educational support in remote schools?

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  • I would like to answer the fourth question. Indeed, the Internet has turned the world into a small village. For example, here I am in Palestine, I can communicate with a resident of America, which is located on the other side of the world, and I can get to know people I did not know anything about from China, so different cultures or long distances are not an obstacle to getting to know anyone. Two people, and do not forget that with the Metaverse, there will be a greater possibility to abandon reality, and this indicates that life will be transferred to a virtual world in which time and space are not barriers to practicing things or sharing interests with people around the world, and this applies to education as well, as there will be no distant schools. The Metaverse will blow up all distances

    1. you make a good argument about making connections worldwide, wise_shrimp, but what are your views as regards AI and how it may help with the challenges of more formal education?