Can AI be a replacement For artists?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Many of the artists in my community seem to be enthusiastic about it. After battling for so long to elevate their own artistic abilities to a comparable level, they are completely blown away at what they can do in Midjourney. I don't blame them, either. Right now, being an artist is challenging.

While the demand for art has remained high, the bar for technical proficiency has substantially risen recently. Concept artists are already expected by art directors to be proficient in a range of digital programs, such as Photoshop, Blender, Zbrush, and others. And in order to match the expectations for massive film and gaming titles, they anticipate them to produce great artwork with shorter turnaround times.Jumping on the first opportunity that enables you to produce higher quality work more quickly is only natural. I believe that many of these artists are unaware of the fact that they are contributing to the rise in the demand for efficiency and quality. As more artists use this software, it progresses and the required skill level rises. I believe AI uses artists more frequently than they use AI.

Will there still be a need for artists? The quick response is: most likely, yes. There will always be a need for artists to "curate" the work, even with the unavoidable developments in AI software. That can involve making adjustments or using Photoshop to composite the outcomes. It can entail creating a basis for the AI to work from or entering the appropriate prompts for the project. In order to meet demand, an artist-AI symbiosis is definitely unavoidable at the highest levels of professional art. The most flexible artists are already using AI in their current process. They are already competent enough to utilize the program to enhance their productivity and level of work. However, AI can never provide the sense of solace, pride, and fulfillment we gain from creating and experiencing beautiful Art. The best we can do to mitigate this existential crisis is to support the idea that true Art requires some degree of personal transformation and artistic aptitude. Undoubtedly, AI artists will be born with a talent for mastering communication with machine-learning tools as they discover unique and meaningful methods for creating genuine Art. The tricky part will be determining what that looks like and who those people are. Until then, we will continue to converse about art, and in doing so, maybe we’ll better understand what it means to be an artist and what constitutes a work of Art.