Can AI replace art

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.


First and fore most I would really like to appreciate the organizers of this program(TOPICAL TALK FESTIVAL) for giving us the chance, we students to discover our degree of critical thinking and problem solving. I must say it has been a blissful journey and I must commend you the organizers.

Can AI replace art? My answer is no!

My reasons are:

AI might be able to do lots of things and create different things human can do within a shorter period of time but a good art requires real human experience that will impose better understanding to the audience.

AI can't replace art in the sense that AI was invented after the knowledge and experience of arts i.e art is natural while AI is artificial.

They are things AI can't do but human artist can. AI can only do things in the sense of arts like graphics, 3D paintings, record music and write books but arts created by human can do all of these mentioned above and more like street paintings, sculpture designs and so on.

AI art would be loved by people for a matter or period of time but arts created by humans with experience is remembered by people for decades for example let's take a look at the most expensive and popular painting, the MONALISA painting by Leonardo da Vinci wasn't made using AI but with human intelligence and experience even before the invention of AI, that is to say that human arts are better than AI art.

Difference between AI and human art is that AI does not use feelings to create art and art requires feelings, emotion and high EQ( emotional quotient), AI can only create art through images while human art uses emotions to create art that shows the problems people face, art that expresses peace like the ocean.

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