Earth protection and reservation

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.


My final view about Earth day is that we should work hard to maintain the climate policies around us and protect the environment, we can use the little leisure time we have after work, to try and take care of the vegetation, plant more trees around us instead of buying plastic trees and flowers as decorations and people should reject artificial vegetation as decorating materials e.g artificial christmas trees.

My final view about Earth day is that we should work hard to maintain the climate policies around us and protect the environment, we can use the little leisure time we have after work, to try and take care of the vegetation, plant more trees around us instead of buying plastic trees and flowers as decorations and people should reject artificial vegetation as decotrating materials e.g artificial christmas trees.

We should know that climate is part of our life and we should do anything we can to protect it and keep our environmental status fine just like we do to our lives.


We should ensure that pollutants are not released in the environment.The governments globally should observe the pollution status and recommend minimal amounts of pollution where necessary.Ministries in charge of the environment should give daily guidelines and habits on media to be followed by citizens in response to environmental protection.Billboards should be put in capital cities where the population is high to remind them on how to care for the environment.


climate change is characterized by:

Persistent increase in global mean temperatures since 1900,the global average surface temperature has increased by about 0.8 C[1.4 `F]

Gradual changes in precipitation that includes; Increase in frequency, Changes in timing, location and amounts of rain and snowfall.

Increase in frequecy and intensity of extream weather events that includes; Increase in annual occurrence of high winds, heavy rains, storm surges and flash floods associated with tropical storms and tornados.

Climate change mitigation:

Climate change mitigation involves taking actions to control climate change.It targets the reduction in the emission of green house gases. This is through;

<Reducing the uses of fossil fuels for heat, power generation,transport.

<Protecting the sinks that store green house gases e.g forests, soil and oceans.

Climate change adaptation:

<A process of coping with the current and future effects climate change.

<It involves changing our behaviour and taking actions to protect ourselves from the harmful effects of climate change e.g, growing drought resistant crops, irrigation and constructing raised buildings as protection against floods.

Effects of climate change.

Although Africa accounts for a small share of green house gas emissions [3.8% of global emissions], the effects of climate change on the continent and East Africa in particular have been severe.

<Increase in temperature, CO2 concecrations, and water scarcity directly impact the health and well being of plants, pasture, rangeland and live stock.

<In addition, weather changes also increase the occurrence of pests, disease and growth of weeds, which turn affect agricultural production.

So the above are my opinions on Earth day,any way I enjoyed this topic because I learnt more about my surrounding and the climate status globally.