Does the type of government have a role in the prosperity of the state

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Does the type of government have a role in the prosperity of the state, but before I started, this question occurred to me while I was sitting with my family talking about rulers and how they had a role in the prosperity of the state. My point of view on many matters, the most important of which is the subject of kings, so let us go back to the ancient era to answer the question "Does the type of government have a role in the prosperity of the state?" For example, the Roman Empire, which followed the electoral monarchy system, and we all know that the era of the Roman Empire was an era of power, as well as the Greek Empire, which was One of the most powerful empires throughout history, and it used to follow the system of absolute monarchy, and now let's go back to the modern era to talk about the strongest in the current era. The question is no, as we got acquainted with the previous countries, all of them prospered in their time, despite the different systems of government, and there are many examples, can you mention them?

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  • Yes, certainly the government has a role in the prosperity of the state, and if it were not like that, there would be no government in every country, as it builds schools for students and employs teachers in them, meaning that it provides job opportunities for citizens and gives them their salaries. Otherwise, he discusses the general policy of the state
    They also issue human rights in the state
    The government has a name and a role in every country