The metaverse

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

I am going to talk about metaverse for my standpoint. Metaverse is a vertiual reality world that some people enjoy using. It can be a fun game for people

the metaverse allows people to have a lifelike personal and buisness experience online. The metaverse addresses all of the existing challenges of the remote work. The true metaverse is massively multi-use environment that replicates our real world.

The metaverse offers opportunities for investors and gamers. Investors can sell NFTs for a profit, and gamers can play to earn money.

Neal Stephenson created the metaverse in 1992, the term metaverse was coined in neal Stephenson's 1992 science fiction novel, Show Crash, where humans, as programmable avatars interact with each other and software agents, in a three-dimensional vertical space that uses the metaphor of the real world.

Although the metaverse is a fun and enjoyable place sometimes there can be negative activity such as ciber bullying, this can lead to a non enjoyable experience for some people. The metaverse can also lead to more reasons for addictive behaviour. As a result of this I think people have go make a stand and need to help stop this because it is not fair to ruin someone’s experience of the metaverse.

I think there should be some restrictions on using the metaverse because like I said before it can get quite dangerous. Some laws might be: restricting time on the metaverse, having online police officers that can monitor the metaverse for any online harassment and bullying and fining people who are in breach of these laws.

“We can expect any of the crimes committed in the real world to take place, and potentially explode, on the internet”

Comments (2)

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  • I agree with the fact that crimes can and will be committed in the metaverse. But it will be far from easy to control.

    A lot of people seem to think of the metaverse as one singular entity, possibly owned by Facebook, or some other big company.

    But the Metaverse is everywhere.

    Oxford defines the metaverse as "A slang term used to describe a virtual representation of reality implemented by means of virtual reality software." The metaverse describes VR in general, not just some Facebook paradise.

    Anyone can code their own metaverse. And anarchy is inevitable.

    1. What makes you think that "anarchy is inevitable"?

      1. Because some people, no matter what, will go to chaos. Look at minecraft. I think of minecraft as a mini-metaverse, without the VR aspect. It allows people to connect over servers. And some of the most popular servers, are advertised as "anarchy" where there are no rules. I see this as a window into human's emotions. Some people want to blow things up, just to see what happens.

  • The Challenges of the Metaverse
    There’s also a downside to the metaverse, and we’ll need to consider these challenges as we move into a more immersive virtual world.
    Those challenges include things like:
    1. Privacy – The metaverse will potentially collect a lot of personal data on every user, including eye-tacking, physical reactions, and haptics. How can we protect that data?
    2. Protection for children – As kids immerse themselves in the metaverse, how can we monitor what they’re doing and seeing, so we can keep them safe?
    3. Health concerns – VR hangovers, post-VR sadness, and cyber addiction are real – how can we combat the health challenges of an immersive world?
    4. Access inequality – How can we make sure that people have equal access to the technology needed to join the metaverse, including handsets, headsets, and connectivity?
    5. Legal issues – We will need to sort out the regulatory grey issues of the metaverse. For instance, when is a virtual act a crime?
    6. Desensitization – As people enter increasingly more lifelike virtual worlds, how can we make sure they don’t get desensitized to violence, racism, and misogyny?
    7. Identity hacking – We will all be using virtual avatars to navigate the metaverse, so protecting our identities will be critical. How can we verify that users are who they say they are in the virtual world?