The Metaverse

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

The Metaverse, is an amazing piece innovative technology that has mixed virtual reality and augmented reality to create a new technologically advanced realm that can allow us to do many different things. I passionately believe that this technology is an opening to many new things and something that is necessary for the continuation of innovation and technology. Some might argue that the metaverse comes with many risks and it might just be a massive disaster, and an epicentre for hacker's, scammers, and for people who generally want to steal your personal information. In this presentation, I will show the negatives and the positives about the creation of the metaverse.

The metaverse comes with many different positives, and could help us in many ways for example, the metaverse is already being used in a few hospitals around the world as a device that can help with more accuracy, during things like surgery, implants, etc. People at Microsoft say that the metaverse can also help with shortage of staff and remote work! This is another reason why the metaverse can be extremally helpful. The metaverse is not only used for work but for entertainment purposes as well, for example before bed, you could fly to mars with your friends every day! You can do many other things as well in the metaverse as it has an enormous amount of uses. The metaverse has been getting increasingly popular over the years, for example in 2017, 0.4 billion worth of VR headsets have been sold, and in 2023 it rose to 1.9 billion worth! This can also pose as an exceptionally good opportunity for a business career.

The metaverse can also come with many negatives, for an example, the metaverse is also a place that can store a lot of personal information and credential information and that could cause a lot more people to be hacked, scammed, and many more things like people being impersonated. Elon Musk states that the Metaverse is a desiese and it is bound to fail, and that he never believed in it. This can mainly be caused by lack of maturity.

In conclusion, I think that the metaverse can have a massive potential and that with some more cyber security, this realm, can be the thing that humans needed to advance in the world of technology and can help many people around the world to create memories.

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