The Metaverse: Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

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The Metaverse: Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Hello, I will be talking about the metaverse (meaning that there is a virtual-reality space in which users interact with a computer-generated environment) and saying ‘Is the Metaverse a good thing or a bad thing?’ As the metaverse still continues to develop today, people are starting to spend more time on the computer-generated (means that it is designed or produced using a computer program) world rather than the physical world because they are starting to lose track of time on the metaverse and are spending less time interacting with people in the physical world. Could the metaverse get out of hand?

The people who are affected by the metaverse in a good way are Mark Zukerberg and Bill Gates, while Elon Musk and Tim Cook are affected by the metaverse in a bad way. Zukerberg says that the metaverse is a ‘narrative that has developed that is somehow moving away from the metaverse.’ Bill Gates says the metaverse is a ‘revolutionary’ thing. Elon Musk says that the metaverse is a ‘disease’ that has infected the world. He believes that the world has just overcome ‘this disease’ and is in the process of recovering from it, however, Tim Cook is questioning the excitement over the metaverse.

In my opinion, I think that the metaverse is a really cool thing but at the same time, it can be quite a bad thing. The pro’s about the metaverse are its improbable and even impossible experiences, more equal access to virtual experiences, better collaboration and co-creation and many more good things about the metaverse. However, the bad things about the metaverse is that people can lose track of time while in the metaverse, there is potential for bullying, harassments, assaults and many more bad things about the metaverse. There should also be rules in the metaverse because people could do stuff that they wouldn’t do in-person, there should also be a time limit on the metaverse because people can spend more time there, losing track of time will not interact with people physically as much as on the metaverse.